Jason Hawes, founder of TAPS and star of the SYFY Network Series, Ghost Hunters, posted a picture of the VIBCO Vibrators Van on his facebook page on Christmas Eve... and some other "spooky" Rhode Island connections...
Spooky Happenings at VIBCO Vibrators
by Linda Kleineberg | Dec 27, 2012
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At just 1,212 square miles and with a population just over 1 million people, VIBCO's home state of Rhode Island is a place where interesting connections and chance meetings happen... A LOT.
Here's a classic Rhode Island story...

Fans of the SYFY network show Ghost Hunters know that Jason Hawes, TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) founder, is from Rhode Island and that TAPS is headquartered in Warwick, RI. This picture appeared on Jason Hawes' Facebook Profile on Christmas Eve... see the post here I'll warn you that some of the comments likely landed a few folks on Santa's Naughty List...
A few fun notes about VIBCO's Rhode Island "eerily" close connections to Jason Hawes/TAPS:
- TAPS filmed an episode at Hoofinfeathers Carriage Inn in North Kingstown, RI in 2008 - which at the time was owned and operated by Chef Linda Wadensten - the sister of VIBCO President, Karl Wadensten Episode 416, Original Airdate 9/17/2008 "The Boy in the Brothel"
- A former VIBCO employee, John Paul Endicott, wrote a short VIBCO Ghost Story on 5/18/1996... Click Here to see a scan of the original story